
اطلاعات "Enter"فشار دادن

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1395/02/26 - 09:51
  • بازدید : 2871
  • تعداد بازدید : 179
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

اولین دوره آموزشی بین المللی علوم اعصاب شناختی ایبرو در ایران با موضوع نقشه برداری مغز


1st Iranian IBRO/APRC School of Cognitive Neuroscience on Human Brain Mapping

Tehran, Iran

September  23 - October 4, 2016


School Website URL: http://www.ibro.ir

Application deadline: June 15, 2016 (11:59 p.m. CET)


Apply here

Ibro Announcementhttp://nrc.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/oldfile/pdf.jpeg

Ibro School Program at a Glancehttp://nrc.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/oldfile/pdf.jpeg

(Poster (persianhttp://nrc.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/oldfile/pdf.jpeg

(Poster (Englishhttp://nrc.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/oldfile/pdf.jpeg


(Organizer: Dr. Abbas Haghparast (Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Dear Colleagues/Students

On behalf of the organizing committee, this is my privilege to inform you that the 1st Iranian IBRO School of Cognitive Neuroscience on “Human Brain Mapping” will be held at the National Brain Mapping Lab in Tehran from 23 September to 4 October 2016.

The purpose of this school is providing an opportunity for senior PhD students and post-doctoral research fellows in the Asia-Pacific region to acquire knowledge of both theoretical and technical aspects of human brain mapping. Two main areas of research in the cognitive science will be covered in this school including Attention/Working Memory, and Decision Making/Executive Functions. The school consists of a 2-day symposium with 16 lectures and 6 days of theoretical and practical sessions about several applied techniques in the cognitive science including EEG, MRI, fMRI, fNIRS, tES and TMS; followed by 2 days of proposal writing and presentation. Instructors are internationally recognized and chosen from Asia, Europe and America. The school is designed in a way to encourage students for social interactions and cultural exchanges. All applicants should apply online through IBRO website before June 15, 2016.


Respectfully yours,

Abbas Haghparast

Executive Secretary of the School

For all enquiries, please contact Dr. Abbas Haghparast at haghparast@sbmu.ac.ir


Iranian Neuroscience Society and Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council of Iran

  • گروه خبری : گروه های مطالب,اخبار کنگره ها و کارگاهها
  • کد خبر : 32907
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