
اطلاعات "Enter"فشار دادن

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1398/03/10 - 13:46
  • بازدید : 1941
  • تعداد بازدید : 66
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 دقیقه

ژورنال کلوب هفتگی مرکز

برنامه ژورنال کلوب خرداد و تیر 1398


Mission Statement

This journal club aims to provide a forum for discussing about neuronal basic, brains, and behavior among people with diverse discipline and neurobiology backgrounds. Weekly meetings will focus on a topic relevant to a biological and theoretical understanding of some neuroscientific problem in neurodegenerative diseases.PhD students and postdocs are especially encouraged to attend and propose/present research article. Appropriate theme present ongoing clinical trials, imaging, cognition, memory, cellular and molecular foundational principles for neurodegenerative diseases.


Time & Place

Mondays, 13:00 - 14:30

NRC: Class room


Mailing List

Subscribe to the journal club mailing list.




Bellow is the upcomingjournal club, as well as all prior meetings.

Here is the current schedule for all future meetings and presenters. 




Presenter/ paper


Theme/ Date

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:

Animal Neuroimaging in Alzheimer disease


Khordad 27th

Monday 13-14:30

Dr. Safari

New Neuroscience News:

Dr. Safari

Invited Speaker:

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:

Computational neuroscience


Tir  3th

Monday 13-14:30

Dr. Safari

New Neuroscience News:

Dr. khosrowabadi

Invited Speaker:

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:

Clinical Neuroimaging in Alzheimer disease


Tir 10th

Monday 13-14:30

Dr. Safari

New Neuroscience News:

Dr. Azimi

Invited Speaker:

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:


Neurogenetic application in AD


Tir 17th

Monday 13-14:30

Dr. Safari

New Neuroscience News:

Dr. Alavi

Invited Speaker:

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:

Pharmacology approach in AD


Tir 24th

Monday 13-14:30

Dr. Safari

New Neuroscience News:

Dr. Parvardeh

Invited Speaker:

Dr. Rezaei

FDA News:

Ongoing clinical trials in AD


Tir 31th

Monday 13-14:30


New Neuroscience News:

Dr. Yasami

Invited Speaker:


  • گروه خبری : گروه های مطالب,اخبار عمومی
  • کد خبر : 78344
کلید واژه
مدیر سیستم

مدیر سیستم

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